By Marcos Vidal – ACS, Sales Manager
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness” according to ancient text. If you read or watch any news media outlet; the same concern is rising about clean surfaces. We are almost a year from when the U.S. started lock-downs from the novel corona virus. All of a sudden, we all were thinking about how clean our offices, homes and businesses were. Now a year later where do your clean surfaces fall on the cleanliness scale. If your surfaces are anything but grout-free then you are taking a risk.
Lucky for you to have visited Live Grout Free! Our solid surface product surfaces are rated #1 for cleanliness according to NSF (National Sanitation Foundation). Among these standards are stainless steel, how solid surface is equivalent is because the surfaces are seamless and non-porous.
Whether you are looking to specify a new material in your next project or looking to remodel your home; we have the cleanest surfaces on the market. According to The Centers for Disease Control it is estimated that 76 million people get sick from food-related illnesses every year in the U.S.* This data is prior to COVID-19 research, so you can imagine that the prevalence of this data is more impactful now.
Additionally, and quite logically, the NSF strongly supports design standards that “prevent the harborage of vermin and the accumulation of dirt and debris.” In particular, the standard calls for a radius on inside corners of at least 1/8”, which suggests coved backsplashes; and also calls for permanently sealed joints and seams, which favors integral sinks and smooth, non-porous seams. *
The NSF has also noted that solid surface is permitted to be utilized in “food zone” areas. Having an attractive solid surface material over stainless steel is agreeable by current the market. With grout-free surfaces from our network you can also choose to support your local economies. Many manufacturers are located in the U.S. market and are made in the USA.
If you want a clean, sustainable surface then look no further than a grout-free surface. For weekly updates please follow-us on Instagram @grout_free_designs.