Our Grout-Free Kitchen Products

Visualize kitchen countertops that are seamless and durable and come in myriad colors and patterns that mimic the look of natural stone. Add in the additional benefits of countertops that never need to be sealed and are stain-resistant (unlike laminate, tile, or natural stone). There are many grout-free kitchen products that include countertops, kitchen island tops, kitchen sinks, backsplashes, and windowsills, all which offer invaluable features and benefits:

  • Customizable material that can be cut, cast, and formed to fit your unique kitchen design
  • Integral sinks and cove backsplashes that can be joined seamlessly with the countertop to provide a continual surface that makes cleaning effortless
  • Hygienic, non-porous surfaces mean no openings for water, dirt, or bacteria to hide
  • Never needs to be sealed – no more expensive sealants and maintenance hassles
  • Renewable - a countertop that has undergone typical wear and tear can be repaired and refinished to look like new again
  • Abundance of colors, patterns, designs, and finishes – including solid colors, small and large particulate mixes, and glossy, matte, or satin finishes – from classic to trendy
  • Affordable and practical – easy maintenance combined with high quality equals added value to your home
  • Stylish edge profile options such as eased, beveled, ogee, round-over, and bullnose are available to highlight your countertops